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Benefits of Emdogain in Treating Periodontal Disease


Regenerative periodontal therapy constitutes an important facet of my practice here at North Raleigh Periodontics. Regeneration is particularly designed to restore and reconstruct tooth-supporting structures that have been lost or injured due to gum disease. This tooth-supporting structure, called “periodontium,” encases each tooth and includes the enamel, gingiva, periodontal ligaments, cementum, and alveolar bone. If the gums begin to recede, the bones and other tissues that support the tooth’s root start to become destroyed; unless restored, eventually the teeth will lose their anchors and may fall out or require extraction. To accomplish the restitution of the periodontium, we often incorporate Emdogain, an enamel matrix derivative (EMD) that regenerates lost tissue, bone, and the structures that anchor teeth to the bone.

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North Carolina Dental Society 2019

Great CrewMacon Singletary and the entire North Raleigh Periodontics staff attended the 163rd North Carolina Dental Society meeting in Myrtle Beach this past weekend. We are excited to bring back and implement the information we learned about improving patient care and understanding complex cases.

The courses we attended include:

  • Soft Tissue Laser Therapy
  • Gorgan Christensen’s talk on the New and Upcoming Developments in Dentistry
  • Methods to Better Improve Oral Care in Patients
  • Simplifying the Medically Complex Patient
  • SPICE and OSHA Certifications
  • State of the Art Technologies
  • Synergy of Biologics
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How to Take Care of Your Dental Implant

Dental Implant Anatomy
Anatomy of healthy teeth and dental implant in jaw bone.

If you’ve recently (or not so recently) had a dental implant placed, it is imperative to take consistent care of the implant so that it lasts in a healthy and viable condition for as long as possible. Following the implant placement and integration period, this state-of-the-art tooth replacement procedure requires regular maintenance through both at-home care and periodic check-ups. When it is properly taken care of, your implant can last your entire life.

At home, make sure to floss around the implant daily to prevent the build-up of bacteria. Furthermore, I recommend at least twice daily brushing of the implant with a soft-bristle brush. If the bacteria is not removed regularly, it may inflame the gum surrounding the implant, leading to peri-implant mucositis, the precursor to peri-implantitis. Peri-implant mucositis is gum inflammation caused by plaque accumulated around the soft tissue. If caught early enough, peri-implant mucositis is treatable and reversible before it begins to affect the hard tissue.

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Dr. Singletary Featured on WPTF 680 AM

Interviewed on WPTFOne Word…Plaque! It’s important to brush, floss, and thoroughly remove bacterial plaque at least once per day. Dr. Singletary, who was recently featured as the WPTF 680 AM guest speaker on “Heart Health with Dr. Franklin Wefald,” also added that you should brush after you eat, even with the scrub technique, to prevent that exponential growth of bacteria for the first 30 minutes. In discussing the connection between periodontal health and cardiac health, Dr. Singletary explained how he works to maintain periodontal stability for his patients, and the treatments available to achieve optimum dental/periodontal health.

Click here
to hear the full interview.

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Oral Lichen Planus: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is oral lichen planus? Oral lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the mucous membranes in the mouth. It is believed to be an autoimmune disorder that surfaces when the immune system attacks the oral mucous membranes. Although it is unknown what causes lichen planus, genetics and immunity may be involved. Lichen planus cannot be cured; however, it can be managed with careful monitoring and treatment.

Oral Lichen Planus

What does it look like? Lichen planus, named for the appearance of white moss or lichen that grows on rocks, most commonly appears as white, raised lacy patches of tissue; red, inflamed, and swollen patches of tissue; or open sores that appear on the tongue or cheeks. Although lichen planus can be painful, sometimes there is little to no discomfort. Furthermore, it is not contagious and not cancerous. About two percent of the population is affected with oral lichen planus, although it is most common in women over 50.

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Why we use Ultrasonic Technology for Perio Cleanings

Ultra Sonic ScalingYour periodontal cleaning, aimed at bacteria elimination, is not simply about gaining the appearance of squeaky clean gums and sparkling teeth. It is also the primary means of preventing periodontal disease. With an increasing number of studies attesting to the link between periodontal and systemic (whole body) health, it is our top priority here at North Raleigh Periodontics to ensure that each periodontal cleaning is top-notch. For this reason, we incorporate ultrasonic technology to make sure that each cleaning is as thorough and effective as possible, benefiting not only oral health but also facilitating whole body health.

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Dr. Singletary Speaks to the Raleigh Diabetic Association

Dr. Singletary Speaks at ConferenceThis past Saturday, Dr. Singletary was privileged to deliver the key-note address to the American Diabetes Association’s Raleigh Group. The topic, “Maintaining Periodontal Health for Individuals with Diabetes” provided an opportunity to discuss special glucose and carbohydrate concerns as it affects periodontal disease and vice-versa. He discussed signs and symptoms of periodontal disease and offered much practical advice to help maintain gum tissue health, which in turn reduces fluctuation in the blood sugar levels due to periodontal inflammation. Dr. Singletary, who states that about 20% of his practice is comprised of patients who have some form of diabetes, concluded his talk with an encouraging note: People with controlled diabetes are able to heal and respond to periodontal therapy as easily as non-diabetics. For more information about this organization, contact us at North Raleigh Periodontics or email [email protected]

The Raleigh Diabetes group, led by Maxine Phillips McKoy, is open to the public and provides support for those with pre-diabetes, those living with diabetes, and those who want to make healthy lifestyle changes.

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Pre-implant Site Preservation and Ridge Augmentation

Site PreservationBefore I place dental implants, it is important to provide a strong foundation on which to position the implants so they endure. In other words, the underlying bone must be sturdy and viable enough to withstand the implant surgery and maintain the stability of the implants once they are placed. It is especially important that the ridge, the bone in the gum line out of which the healthy teeth used to protrude and into which the implants will be placed, is healthy and strong before beginning implant surgery. Sometimes, when the ridge is thin or weak, it is necessary to perform site preservation and ridge augmentation before beginning the implant placement process.

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Enhance Your Periodontal Treatment with Laser Therapy

Did you know that nearly 70% of adults have a form of gum disease? Unfortunately, some individuals choose not to seek treatment for fear that it will be painful and time consuming or even in trepidation of the unknown, despite the fact that untreated gum disease results in receding gums, bone loss, and ultimately, tooth loss. Here at North Raleigh Periodontics, we work to restore and maintain the health of your gums and teeth. Furthermore, with the use of our new Waterlase laser treatment to enhance periodontal therapy, we can provide even faster, more effective, and more comfortable treatment of gum disease.

Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support your teeth. It is caused by bacteria that gets trapped in your gum “pockets,” deep in the gum tissue that reaches down to the tooth roots. This trapped bacteria, if not removed, can harden into “calculus” underneath your gum line and cause rapid deterioration of your teeth and gums. Whereas traditionally, individuals had to have the bacteria manually scraped out from underneath the gum line, we can supplement your periodontal care by utilizing the laser to zap that plaque and calculus lurking around your gums.

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Zap Cold Sores with Our Waterlase Laser Technology

Laser Cold SoresOver 90% of adults develop cold sores, or “fever blisters,” but for some, the effects of this virus are more pronounced than for others. Cold sores are small blisters that typically develop around the mouth or on the lips and that flare up periodically. Although not life-threatening, these sores are the often the source of great discomfort and annoyance. Flare-ups typically occur in the same place and are sometimes accompanied by physical symptoms like headaches, achy muscles, dehydration, and swollen lips. The virus is extremely contagious and can be passed through close oral contact. Canker sores also affect the mouth area and can be as painful as cold sores.

North Raleigh Periodontics & Implant Center