Gingivectomy and Aesthetic Crown Lengthening: Solutions for a Gummy Smile

Some individuals are born with excessive gum tissue covering an abnormally large portion of their teeth. When these people smile, usually much of their gum tissue is revealed and their teeth appear unusually small in comparison. This condition, colloquially known as a “gummy smile,” can significantly impact one’s self-esteem. Fortunately, for those concerned with the appearance of this condition, a relatively simple procedure called a “gingivectomy” or an “aesthetic crown lengthening” can remedy this problem.

Aesthetic (Esthetic) crown lengthening is a procedure in which both gum and bone are adjusted to expose more of the natural tooth structure. If only gum tissue requires adjustment, this would be termed a gingivectomy. Many people are born with a genetic predisposition to have a gummy smile. Those with a gummy smile often have excessive gum tissue that covers the natural biting surface of their teeth. We evaluate the levels of both gum tissue and bone to determine the true cause of your gummy smile.

At North Raleigh Periodontics and Implant Center, we offer laser-assisted gingivectomies and aesthetic crown lengthening procedures to enhance your comfort and overall experience. This gentle cosmetic process contours the gum line and removes excessive gum tissue to expose more of your natural tooth, improving the appearance of small teeth, excessive gingiva, and an uneven gum line. Laser technology provides reduced bleeding, heightened comfort, less pain and swelling, and shortened healing time, allowing you to achieve an improved smile with minimal disruption to your daily routine.

North Raleigh Periodontics & Implant Center