Perio Postings

Why do My Teeth Need to be “Remineralized?”

Important minerals like calcium and phosphate help to keep teeth strong and healthy. Yet as

Finally, a New Year’s Resolution You CAN Keep

Although it is hard to believe, 2020 is upon us. With the advent of the

Happy Holidays 2019

Dr. Singletary and Staff at North Raleigh Periodontics wish you and your family a Merry

Treating Gum Disease in Children

When people hear the term “periodontal disease,” many think of the process of gum recession

Oral Myofascial Pain: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Do the muscles in your cheeks and jaw often feel sore and tender, seemingly for

Introducing the Florida Probe to North Raleigh Periodontics

Always eager to bring the best technology and innovation to our practice to better serve
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North Raleigh Periodontics & Implant Center