Common Problems with Dental Implants

Solutions at North Raleigh Periodontics and Implant Center

Dental ImplantsAt North Raleigh Periodontics and Implant Center, we pride ourselves on achieving exceptionally high success rates with dental implants. Our approach emphasizes precision, fully-guided implant placement, careful patient selection, and comprehensive education on implant care. While problems with dental implants are rare, we understand the importance of promptly addressing any issues that may arise to ensure the long-term health and stability of the implant.

Understanding Potential Complications: Despite the overall success of dental implants, occasional problems can occur. Factors such as trauma, occlusion issues, certain medications, inconsistent oral hygiene, nicotine use, uncontrolled diabetes, and lack of knowledge regarding implant care can contribute to implant failure. Recognizing the signs of early implant problems is crucial in preventing further complications.

Healthy Dental Implants

Early Warning Signs: Some common signs of early implant problems include bleeding around the implant, exudate (pus) formation, tenderness, and a bad taste in the mouth. These symptoms often indicate a condition called peri-implant mucositis, where inflammation occurs around the implant site without significant bone loss. Early detection of these warning signs is essential for timely intervention to prevent further deterioration.

Our Approach to Treatment: At North Raleigh Periodontics and Implant Center, we take a proactive approach to address early implant problems. Our treatment protocol typically involves an intensified hygiene regimen, emphasizing proper flossing techniques and bacterial removal around the implant. Additionally, targeted antibiotics may be recommended to stabilize inflammatory mediators and promote improved bone metabolism and growth.

Minimally Invasive Solutions: If a patient notices signs of mobility along with other warning signs, indicating bone loss and potential implant failure, that patient is usually experiencing what we call, peri-implantitis. Our experienced team is prepared to intervene. Dr. Singletary has developed a regenerative protocol known as MILAP (Minimally Invasive Laser Assisted Procedure). This innovative technique utilizes an Erbium Chromium YSGG laser to detoxify the implant post and stimulate bone regeneration, significantly improving the prognosis and longevity of the implant. Dr. Singletary explains here about the technique he uses to regenerate and restore ailing implants.

Youtube Video For Dental Implants

Acting Sooner Rather Than Later: It’s essential for patients to understand that noticing warning signs does not necessarily mean all is lost. By promptly seeking evaluation and treatment, there’s a high likelihood of saving a troubled implant by conservative means to restore implants or laser implant repair if needed. The key is to act swiftly. With our expertise and advanced techniques, we strive to preserve the function and aesthetics of dental implants, ensuring our patients continue to enjoy the benefits of a healthy smile for years to come.

At North Raleigh Periodontics and Implant Center, we are dedicated to providing personalized care and effective solutions for all our patients’ implant needs. Contact us today for a comprehensive evaluation and discover how we can help you maintain optimal oral health and implant success.

North Raleigh Periodontics & Implant Center