Blog/ News Podcast

The Amazing Laser

All about the Gum Guru with Dr. Macon Singletary
The Gum Guru Podcast with Dr. Macon Singletary will teach you everything you need to know to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Each podcast will focus on a different topic. Check back every third Thursday of the month for the latest episode. If you have any questions for Dr. Singletary, contact him at: [email protected]

Listen to This Month’s Podcast: How it’s helping periodontal patients. Lasers are a natural and safe method using light for gum recontouring, frenectomies, scaling, and root planing as well as curing snoring and plumping your lips! Listen while Dr. Singletary tells you all about the amazing uses of the laser.

North Raleigh Periodontics & Implant Center